If you’re like nearly every single person on the planet, you probably have one of these lying around your house. A plastic bag filled with other plastic bags (these are technically called plastic film bags). Admittedly, I feel terrible that
How to Recycle Styrofoam®️ 6
Quick clarification: The name of this product is actually Foam 6 (Styrofoam® is a registered trademark of the Dow Chemical Company). Foam 6 is a thermoplastic, which means it can be recycled repeatedly. If you’re looking at your foodservice containers
Allbirds Treebreezers Review
Shoes, amirite? I think they fit everyone differently and some people love these shoes, and some people hate them. I’m going to talk more about the packaging, and the resourced materials than I am about the fit. I purchased these
How to Recycle Sugar Packets
Can you even recycle sugar packets? This is a thought I had while preparing my coffee a few years ago. Well, they are made from paper, so I thought they definitely should be recyclable. But are they really? I spoke
What is a How2Recycle™ Label?
As you know, I’m in the process of moving from aspirational recycler to recycling savant. The other day, I was reading a label on a bottle of cleaning solution, and the only recycling info it gave me was, “please recycle.”